Sunday, February 05, 2006

Welcome to the new world

I waver between laughing about where our country is heading - and crying about where we are heading.

I laugh when I think about the reactions of the people who voted in the corporations who then get mad when they find out that they were duped. "Don't ask me for help - I told you so" is a plausible response. The United States of Haliburton/Exxon/Etc... is NOT here to help you... but you know what - we Liberals/Progressives etc. will always help you - even tho you called us commies, told us to leave the country and were downright rude to us. Why would we do this? Because in the long run we are the ones who care - we believe in helping - the corporations under this administration DO NOT CARE.

Sometimes we need to hit bottom before we can get back up - and maybe after a few more years of corporate greed at the expense of citizens will awaken the citizenry and they do something about it - like vote out the corporatists [aka fascists] !

1 comment:

Lauren said...

i cry when i think about the idea of democracy and how this aministration is slowly dismembering it. i almost believe that democracy is a figment of our imagination. i admire your optimisim for our corporate country to bounce back on it's feet. i guess now would be the time to say "it could be worse!" but i'm afraid it will get worse.

cheers from a fellow liberal!